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Sep 5, 2007

Pluto-Chiron conj of 1999 being triggered

Having updated my notes on the great Pluto-Chiron conjunction of Dec 30, 1999 as you see here--if you're visiting on-blog, please click-to-enlarge the chart with messy notes thereupon for more details.

2007-2008: Pluto is in process of triggering the 1999 Mercury 28Sag43--which will be also stimulated by the upcoming Great Conj of Jupiter-Pluto on Dec 11.

Tr Pluto to 1999 Mercury's appr dates in 2007 are:

1. Mar 2;
2. May 2 (Rx);
3. Dec 21.

The imperial madness continues in 2008:

4. Aug 10;
5. Oct 9 (will we have an "October Surprise" in time for the 2008 election?)

We see there are plenty of opportunities for transformative, secretive Pluto to change our nation forever for as you know, the Mercury/Pluto pair = wielding influence through writing or speaking; propaganda; crafty subtlety and cunning; the spirit of opposition...among other things.

Natally George Bush has a Mercury-Pluto conj in 1st house of Self, so he's perfect for the propaganda-catapulter job. He would, no doubt, agree.

If you're on-blog, you see that the Moon 18Lib18 is conj US Sec Progr'd Mars (the military; police; male population) in 10th house of World Status, and there is a corresponding tr Mars to US natal Moon near the 3rd cusp...war to the people; emotional upset; anger...all the things which Moon/Mars implies; and Moon in any national chart signifies The People or populace.

Will return asap to complete these comments, for the Pluto-Chiron pair with its plutocrat/oppression/corporatism/racism implications needs close watching...hope you can drop back by. And that crisis-infused 29th-degree Venus looks in need of consideration as well, doesn't it?

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