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Jul 24, 2007

midpoints affecting Al Gonzales

Will a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate Atty Gen. Alberto Gonzales?

Can't Congress and Senate do anything about his lies and perfidies without the extra time (running out the clock, are we?) and expense to the taxpayers? Are they in league with his and Bush's agenda no matter what theater they put on to impress and make it look as if they're actually doing something about our broke-tore-up Justice Dept?

Perhaps you recall my previous post from Feb '06 about
Saturn and Gonzo and how Saturn was plowing through his Leo line-up of planets.

Well, it's still going on now as Saturn 25Leo06 currently visits his natal Pluto 26Leo46 Rx. And powerful Pluto is well within orb of natal NN (encounters; associations; meetings) and will Station Direct appr Sept 7...on natal NN...ouch!

Heavy-weight Pluto's behind-the-scenes power trumps Saturn's power and authority so someone's keeping AG around--and we all know whom (or think we know.)

So can transiting midpoints have anything to do with the well-deserved oppression he's now experiencing? Have the unlawful chickens come home to roost?

If you click to enlarge the chart, you'll find I've added some of AG's natal midpoints and planets which I will now type out for you using midpoint directories from Tyl and from Ebertin:

At 9:30 am, Capitol Hill, the rising degree 12Vir34 brings up his natal Uranus/Neptune so we have...

Uran/Nep = ASC: wearing anxieties on one's sleeve; needing sympathy; instability; hypersensitivity; being depressed with others.

In 12th house there's Saturn recently moved beyond his Mars/Pluto midpoint...

Mars/Pluto = Saturn: desire to overcome difficulties at all costs; leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of a particular task (even if they're groggy from surgery apparently-jc.)

Saturn stomping on n Pluto as mentioned: threat of loss; very hard work; struggling to control current behaviors and motivations resulting from the past; loss of control in a situation that is simply too large to handle.

Transit Sun/Moon midpoint--a balance point in any chart and which concerns relationships--is conj n Saturn/Pluto midpoint, a cruel and laborious pair.

Neglectfully I did not write in Wednesday's Saturn/Pluto midpoint which is now at 25Libra56 (still hanging about Bush's n IC as previously mentioned in another post) and this difficult midpoint is now conj Gonzales' n Pluto/NN midpoint--AND his n Neptune.

It's important for understanding this little fellow so I'll type out again the picture for n Pluto/NN = Neptune (Plu/NN is the urge to become a public figure, and associations with the powerful)...

Plu/NN = Neptune: attaining success by use of lies and fraud; losses and disadvantages; the power of the half truth; deception as a tool; win at any cost.

Our ongoing Saturn/Neptune opposition has been affecting AG's Pluto--and his natal Moon as well if n Moon is within orb of opposing n Pluto, and since everyone knows the trouble he's seen recently, his Moon may just be opposite Pluto. This aspect would give him a cranky, hard-to-get-along-with personality and a tendency to buck authority.

Ironic considering how desperate he is to keep his own!

This post began with the question, "will a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate Gonzales?"

And while I have little confidence in a Congress-in-cahoots (that body of Bush enablers), the midpoints and planetary transits to Al Gonzales' natal placements would cower all but the strongest.

Can this sniveler outlast the barrage?

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