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Sep 28, 2007

pouting Peter Pace punted

General Peter Pace will "step down" as head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff effective Monday, Oct 1. He was second in command during the Iraq invasion, as you know.

Seems his opinions irked someone--his natal chart (Nov 5, 1945; Brooklyn, NY; birth time unknown) shows him to be a principled fellow which only works with this administration as long as you're agreeing with all their views.

Following are a few of my notes on his natal chart:

A New Moon type is emotional (see below), impulsive, and subjective which is underlined by the fact that Scorpio is a Water sign and Pace is a double Water personality (or triple Water if his Ascending sign is Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.)

Life may be lived as if it's but a dream--or merely a screen upon which to project one's image. People and events tend to become symbols without much regard for what they actually are, and the self is projected upon others and upon the world (The Lunation Cycle, Rudhyar.)

His Mars/Saturn conj in Cancer (and neither planet is comfortable in watery Cancer) indicates some fatherly restrictions on his Mars principle ("I act") and can seriously affect his self-confidence.

Hmmm...a warrior/soldier with Mars conj Saturn? this combo is like driving with the brakes on. At best it gives a serious attitude toward life and toward one's actions.

And his Jupiter/Chiron conj gives him a yearning for the mystical plus strong convictions which must be communicated. This may have gotten him in hot water if he didn't always parrot the Bush-Cheney line.

Since the Moon was in Scorpio during the 24-hour period, we may use Sco/Sco as Pace's Watery Sun/Moon personality blend. The Water/Water personality can gush with feelings and dissolve into tears with sentimentality which probably accounts for his expressed desire to go all huggy on his soldiers.

Water/Water types don't have an easy time with objectivity or with well-reasoned arguments. How they personally feel about people and situations IS their reality. They tend to cling to relationships whether it's best for them or not.

The conjunction of Jup/Chiron can be emotionally overwhelmed too--yet it's also the 'maverick with a superiority complex' and who may suffer from boundary problems (Clow, Chiron.)

Sun Sco/Moon Sco: intense; stubborn; passionate; wary--this blend is uncompromising with its convictions. This can be the quiet rebel due to a mistrust of authority figures (Mars conj Saturn suports this); sheer drive and stamina with astute observational ability added to loyalty but may become vindictive when threatened (perhaps we have another Bush-bashing book on the way?)

Greatest Weaknesses: suspicions and cynicism limit capacity for life's enjoyments; takes oneself too seriously; reluctance to share fears; desire for revenge; may get stuck in negative emotions.

Images for Integration: A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as the November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research.

Interesting word pictures.

If you click the chart to enlarge you'll see these midpoint pictures listed which are in effect no matter the birth time:

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed--very little option to do otherwise (this pic was an influence for the 9/11 attacks, imho); inclination to remain at the mercy of external conditions and circumstances without taking a firm stand; abandoning resistance; calamities, catastrophes; an easily-impressed person.

Mercury/Pluto = Neptune: over-receptivity; pursuit of peculiar plans; cunning; falsehood; slander and defamation (as with every factor in Astrology and in life, these may operate in both directions); overdoing issues drains energy and wears out one's welcome (is this part of his "stepping down"?)

Venus/Neptune = Jupiter: extremely emotional; a painful renunciation.

Pace's Pre-natal Eclipse Series (PE) is 1 North (1N) which is the same Series in which the Mother of All Eclipses occurred--Nostradamus' King of Alarm Eclipse which manifested on August 11, 1999 and basically began our 'New Millenium' along with the Pluto/Chiron conjunction of Dec 30, 1999.

Brady's Predictive Astrology gives the 1N Series as: unexpected events loom large--avoid hasty decisions since information may be distorted and possibly false.

Sounds like Washington's favorite way of doing things lately, doesn't it?

Here's the Wiki bio on him if you please.

Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chas and Suzy Harvey; midpoint pics: Tyl; Ebertin)

Pace's New Moon personality is shared natally by: Lyndon B. Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Queen Victoria, Clara Barton, and Gamal Nasser.

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