, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Jan 16, 2007

Fidel Castro

The Spanish newspaper El Pais is reporting that Castro is in 'grave condition' due to 3 failed surgeries, an infection in the large intestine, and various other complications.

Since he temporarily ceded power to his brother Raul last July, I've been tempted to post his natal chart here with remarks but since it's rated only DD ('dirty data') in AstroDataBank I've held myself back.

But with Cuban officials still denying the seriousness of Castro's condition, I must point out that with natal Sun 20Leo, and natal Neptune 25Leo--and with tr Saturn's ongoing visitation to this area of his chart (correct birth time notwithstanding) the man is under much stress physically, and given his advanced age (Aug 13, 1926; Colonia Biran, Cuba), his propects for recovery are slim and slimming.

Raul to the Rescue:

In July '06, Mars was in Leo and triggering Fidel's Sun/Neptune. Mars may bring along inflammation and fever to the affected planets/energies of the chart, and the Mars/Neptune combo = infection.

Mars to n Neptune dissipates energy and undermines health, plus drugs are a particular danger as well. Mars to Sun is a hot combo bringing a surge of vitality which may lead to injury--esp to the head or face--through overstraining.

2007: The current transit of Saturn to n Sun and Neptune gives this midpoint picture:

Sun/Neptune = Saturn: concerns about the blood; bereavement about separation.

The Saturn/Neptune pair have many connotations--and grief, weakness, and torment are sadly among them, with a martyr flavor tossed in as well.

Castro Reportedly in 'Grave' Condition in spite of what Cuban officials say to the contrary.

Thing is, we all have to go sometime, so perhaps they could take to heart the keywords of Castro's Pre-natal Eclipse Series, *19North: coming down to earth with a thud; seeing an old situation for what it really is instead of what it was thought to be; a good time for tackling the truth.

The whole world could use some of that, couldn't it?


*Eclipse info: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady. Midpoint pictures: Dr. Noel Tyl's Natal and Midpoint Solar Arc Analysis Directory.

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