If he acted as promised, Bob Ney tendered his letter of resignation this afternoon to the Speaker of the House--"at 4:00 or 4:30 pm."
Using Ney's sunrise chart, born July 5, 1954, Wheeling West VA, we see his natal Sun is same as the USA's and George Bush's natal Sun within one degree. Ney has Mercury 14Can04 Rx, with Jupiter on the other side of the Sun at 9Can26--whoo! Lots of self-protective, often crabby Cancer, isn't it? Canny though...or was, until October 13 when he was forced to plead guilty to making false statements and conspiracy to commit fraud in league with Jack Abramoff.
Mercury "speaks for" his Sun in Cancer in a Cancerian (self-dramatizing, self-protective) way, so he talks and communicates like a Cancer. And with Uranus in Cancer he behaves like a Cancer. (Wonder if he likes seafood?)
He acts/desires (Mars) as an idealistic Sagittarian--this particular sunrise occurred during a Mars hour with an out-of-bounds Mars (a maverick able to act outside the other energies of his chart), emphasized by Mars being retrograde, plus, feisty Mars is at a critical, crisis-ridden 29th degree.
Mars at "30Sag": "The pope blessing the faithful." This degree can be a blessing or a curse, says Dane Rudhyar, in his An Astrological Mandala.
Ney's sentencing is set, last I heard, for January 19,'07, and he could receive up to 27 months and $500,000 in fines. Is that all for all his crookery and for selling out the public trust? These charletans in the last several years have turned "public trust" into quite the joke, haven't they?
So even with his birth time unknown, we may safely consider Mr. Ney's Sun/Moon personality blend because the Moon was in Virgo for the whole 24-hour period. So let's have at it, shall we?
Sun Can/Moon Virgo:
This water-earth blend is reflective and attentive, loyal, dutiful, yet timid. There is a yearning to be appreciated and understood but shyness may take over and a talent for analyzing others is indulged instead.
Rationalizing needs keeps them at bay, plus a certain puritannical streak may be evident. There's a clear-headed and conscientious concern for others, a refined charm, and an unflagging moral integrity (hmm-m-m...)
Family is very important and there my be a fussiness in the domestic scene. Relationships are not lightly entered, and a committed relationship brings out a loving nature.
A tendency toward self-criticism leads to anxiety and depleted confidence and there can be a narrow-minded and self-righteous clinging to rules and right procedure in an attempt to establish security and authority (a "poltician"--jc); a self-effacing attitude may be used to mask the assumed self-righteousness.
Images: A wine taster makes pointed comments, restrained accolades...A health visitor weighs an infant with tender precision...The 'perfect' mother.
If you click the chart to enlarge, you'll find Ney's Prenatal Eclipse Series (PE), 10South, 8Can10, which is about breaking out of a very negative situation where no hope or options can be seen. This series last occurred in 1990, next occurrence in 2008 (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady, to be found at amazon.com)
(Enlarging will also show My Bad: I neglected to complete, Hour of___ = Mars, as stated.)
The outside chart you see is for Nov 3, 2006, 4:00 pm, Moon rising, on Capitol Hill.
Transit Saturn 24Leo07 (loss/Saturn of leaders/Leo) has been stomping upon Ney's Pluto, PLANET of power and transformation. This Saturn conjunction has transformed his power all right--Saturn bringing loss where his lessons of responsibility and realism have not been heeded properly, and so we reap what we sow...how grimly is determined by past actions and how we handled the authority we were privileged to attain.
The transiting pile-up of Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury Rx, and Jupiter have recently bowled through Ney's Saturn/Neptune in loose conjunction, and as you know, the Saturn/Neptune pair signify several things on many levels, not the least of which can be loss, weakness, grief, and torment as Neptune undermines all of Saturn's hard work. Saturn is solid and Neptune nebulous and foggy--a difficult combo of planets to direct properly for anyone.
So often, having Saturn (and perhaps Neptune) in 10th house of Career is a signature for "fall from grace", so Mr.Ney may have this in his natal chart, if his correct birth time is used. In fact, if his chart is imaginatively "flipped" to put Sat/Nep in 10th house, it would possibly give tr SN (separation; breaking of ties and associations) conjunct the newly-created MC rather than as now with tr NN--with its associative and joining qualities--at MC/Career Point. Just a thought, esp since he's being forcibly separated from his Career and Public Status by jail time and ignominy.
Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon (birth times are known) both have Saturn in 10th house--ability to reach high ambitions with Saturn being strong in his natural 10th house of Capricorn--but if not held in high regard, Old Man Saturn's scythe--and a humongous Scythe is now forming amongst the planets in the heavens, remember--his scythe or sickle will have its way with the proud, thus causing a fall from grace in Public Status (10th house.)
Pride really does come before a fall, says Taskmaster Saturn.
Without Ney's correct birth time, this is conjecture, of course. But his fall from grace is no conjecture and I believe from studies of his sunrise chart that this is a humiliating and excruciating experience for Mr. Ney--I'm not trying to be flippant about his troubles. It would be so for any but the most hardened heart and character.
But as most people realize: our troubles are often self-created...and we must all deal with that inconvenient fact no matter where it takes us on life's path...reaping what we sow all the way!
Or, as a wise cartoon character with an Irish brogue once said on tv's Dr. Katz, "sure, and we are the otters of our own fats."
Sure, and we are.
11.3.06 9:02 pm est
tags: Bob Ney Dr Katz Congress Ney resignation Political Astrology
Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.
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