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Oct 15, 2006

midterm elections 2006

Here's the lineup for the Nov 7, 2006 11:00 pm est Capitol Building:

Asc 12Leo09

Saturn 24Leo21 (Saturn = Dem Party rising, but hold your taters, there's shenanigans afoot);

Ic/Foundation 2Sco23 "3Sco": "A house raising" (!) but will it be enough to ovecome all the dirty tricks they'll use against the electorate's will?;

4th house is full of the ongoing Saturnian Scythe exact just the day before--a pattern indicating that the Establishment (Saturn) is desperately fighting for its life and using dangerous tactics in any attempt to save itself.

Read more about Saturn's Scythe at John and Susan Townley's excellent where you'll find that Saturn (authority, the leader; in Leo, sign of leadership) will soon be alone as resistance gathers and his dubious allies desert him in the fray. We see this now as the Moon joins a T-cross formation in league with Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune...and Saturnian plots multiply like fleas.

In fact, a terroist attack--or something attributed to one--is not out of the question, as others have noted, for this desperate Saturnian leadership. Seems the London Airplanes-to-America "foiled attack" didn't play to the peanut gallery as well as Rs (and Ds in cahoots) expected, did it?

And with Mercury Rx in Scorpio (sign of--sorry you brilliant Scorpios--betrayal and spying) it looks like a recount (Rx) will be in order. Mercury goes direct--perhaps the election count will be finalized?--on appr Nov 18...or at least election issues should settle down around that time. Squirrelly voting machines are a given, sad to say.

Images for the Sun Sco/Moon Gem:

A virtuoso violinist touches the hearts of her audience...Trivial Pursuits goes macabre...The mystery of life in a strip cartoon...Dostoyevsky's Brothers Karamaov...Rodin's The Kiss, Hands. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas and Suzi Harvey.)

The Moon "21Gem": "A tumultuous labor demonstration" = PROTEST> (Moon = the public; the populace) and Moon is out-of-bounds, acting on her own without the rest of the actors interfering. But will this expression of the collective will be enough to override a desperate Saturnian establishment? This degree speaks of oppressed or repressed energies staging an EMOTIONAL OUTBURST and claiming their due.

One technique in a US election chart is to see whether Saturn (Ds) or Jupiter (Rs) is closer to the MC/Aspiration Point of the chart at the close of the ballot box.

Saturn is rising, as noted, and Jupiter is stuck near the bottom of the chart in 4th house as part of the Scythe's blade, so Ds are closer to the Mc. (But the 2004 prez election chart showed the balance tilted toward Gore but with the Part of Treachery active in the election chart--and in Bush's natal chart.)

And with the Sun/Moon midpoint conjunct the 2nd cusp--house of Values--we could see a major exodus from the Republican incumbents and candidates. (Lying us into war and continuing to lie about it comes under the "Values" heading, too, imho, as in "they have none.")

Also noted in a previous post, the Dem Party just had a Progressed (Sec) New Moon in August...the beginning of a new cycle of activity where the Sun's light brightens and grows. But it's still early days yet in this cycle.

Now if we can just get the Ds to hold the Bush administration accountable, kick out the crooks and creeps (incl their own), and keep themselves reasonably responsive to the ones who bring them to the dance, America can feel more like herself again.

Here are the midpoint pictures for this chart:

3 T-squares...

1. Moon/Pluto = NN (the public, esp involving zeal and propaganda): emotional upsets in teamwork; lack of adaptability;

2. Neptune/Asc = Sun: exploitation; deception;

3. Neptune/Asc = Mercury: guided by erroneous impressions or perceptions; open to deception (as are the voting machines!);

Neptune/Mc = NN: peculiarities; sharing bad intentions with others; unpleasant or difficult associations;

The Moon "21Gem" is conjunct Bush's natal Uranus/NN (unsual groups associations; reformers) which are conjunct in his natal chart, and sitting upon his Sec Progressed Mc 'now' (Ura/NN = Mc: desire to bring plans to fruition jointly with others; teamwork paying off);

Nov 7: Uranus/NN = Moon: a team taking a stand.

So Saturn's desperate teamwork = shenanigans afoot, as noted above.

But soon after 11:00 pm, the Moon (the public) will conjunct the election's Asc/Mc midpoint: showing others how one feels about things.

Hope it does the US--and the world--some good. It's been a l o n g six years and we're weary of these a-wipes...of both parties and of all persuasions.

10.15.06 4:38 pm edt


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