, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Aug 26, 2006

Hank Paulson

Henry "Hank" Paulson, CEO of Goldman Sachs, and now US Secretary of the Treasury was born in Palm Beach, Florida on March 28, 1946 (same year as the President.)

With his birth time unknown, I have set this chart for Sunrise and in looking at the 24-hour period on this date, the Moon remained in we have a Sun Aries-Moon Aquarius blend for Secretary Paulson.

As the anarchist with elitist tendencies, we find that the Sun Aries-Moon AQ personality is a sharp analyst with a self-centeredness that can still have a deep capacity for true friendship and an interest in others' needs...a fair amount of social concern may be evident, and relationships and intellectual companionship are considered very important.

Having the gift of gab is one of the many strengths of this combo, as is a razor-sharp mind with broad interests which underscores an ability to see the big picture. With a high opinion of its own genius, this blend is correct in its self-assessment, and its inspirational ability is...well...inspirational.

Secretary Paulson has a deep desire to make his mark upon the world and his natural enthusiasm will aid him in his quest along with a large measure of personal charisma. Why, he's plum congenial when he wants to be!

This is a progressive fellow, and a "great improver" who works well with others as long as he's the one in charge. Original, inventive, and non-conformist, we see here "the maverick"--emphasized by mavericky Jupiter Rx, conjunct mavericky Chiron Rx. He's quite the revolutionary, in fact.

Greatest Weaknesses: over-rational approach to life and to people; impatience with details and dull routines; selfish altruism that will sacrifice others for a social vision.

Image for Integration: A gallant crusader turns his sword into a computer chip and broadcasts New Age philosophy. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzy Harvey.)

(That last sounds worrisome--just what we don't need more of, imho...New Age, New Order, or whatever. But we know the world banking system is the key, don't we? I'm looking at YOU, August Review !)

Why would Hank Paulson lower himself from the heights of G-Sachs to being a mere head of the US Treasury? they asked at this nomination (May 30, 2006.)

With his reformist tendencies, this maverick is right up Bush and Cheney's alley, my friend, with the possible exception of his reputed 'devout' Christian Science beliefs--and really, hasn't 'devout' become these days a euphemism for 'fanatic' of all stripes and sects?

And since anarchist tendencies rule the day in this White House--in spite of all common sense--Mr. Paulson probably fits right in with the 1% crowd infesting the Oval Office. He could probably run it without them from the sound of this blend's genius and talents.

So if his quirkiness can be held in check well enough to keep him from enthusiastically jumping on sofas like a monkey, perhaps his financial expertise will accrue to the common good while simultaneously lining the pockets of the friends he holds so dear. Or perhaps the Super Brain in Brussels is calling his master's name.

8.27.06 12:27 am

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." : Thomas Jefferson


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