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Oct 16, 2005

George W Bush July 6, 1946

Hi Everyone!

Setting up this blog to give a wider perspective, astrologically speaking--on America's politics, wheeler-dealers, and on the propagandists who tirelessly assail and manipulate us without shame or, it would seem, without conscience.

As the common good has fallen by the wayside, the propaganda continues to be catapulted ad nauseum, and this blog is a small way to manage my frustration with
the climate of "personal destruction as usual" practiced inside the Beltway and beyond...and the people's business be dam*ed in the process.

Here are a few notes on the natal chart of George Bush, for no one in the world was born exactly when and precisely where, was the Bush they call George...

Bush's Ascendant has this Sabian Symbol to explain his nibs rather well:

"8Leo": "A bolshevik propagandist." (And that's for a self-professed "propaganda catapulter". )


pos: a determination to share the soul's vision and to make a permanent impact on history (he's succeeded too well, hasn't he?);

neg/unconscious or shadow side: futile ranting against a multitude of superficial ills.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

And Adriano Carelli, in his book, 'The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac" gives details for '8 Leo' as: 'The burning bush'...fieriness along with reserve; aims sublime but secret; a nature flashing with hope...should the horoscope point to a lustful nature, the Lion's eighth degree would shift to its opposite polarity and, instead of a divine imprint, give it a luciferic bent.

The burning bush will thus change into the lunar devilish image of Cain and the thorns. Then an unquenchable passion, impure yet devoid of hidden motives and mental reservations, will slowly and steadily eat up the whole being, body and soul. The fire might not die out before having wasted the mind to its innermost reserves and burnt out the organism to its last shred.

Whether heavenward or earthbound, such a mind will be ruled by instinct rather than by reason.

(degree of 31st president, Herbert Hoover's Moon-Mars conjunction.)#

Ruled by instinct and unable to change his mind or course? That'd be George. Of course, for his masters' purposes, he's been highly successful for their one world government agenda.

~Update Dec 18, 2008: 'Hoover' Bush sounds about right considering the massive heist he and his colleagues have perpetrated upon the US economy. His work here is almost done, January 20, 2008 cometh... ~

And here are the Images for his Sun/Moon personality blend:

Sun Cancer/Moon Libra: Mother Goose recites a poem, surrounded by adoring fairy tale creatures...A family holds a lucrative sale of its artistic heirlooms to the neighborhood.

(Guess the first Image puts you in mind of 'My Pet Goat' from 9/, too.)

Hopefully I will have a chance to post on personalities, and on pertinent current events in a timely fashion, for that is what Astrology brings to the table - the element of Time.

For as you know, our Solar System is a Great Cosmic Clock of which all should be more aware. We're on this globe together, although the way some people act, you'd hardly think so, would you?

So while comments and questions are heartily welcome, this blog is not meant to persuade anyone of Astrology's usefulness, but for gaining insight, wherever possible, and for peeking under the hood of Politics (which is chocked full of hoodlums.) But serious inquiries for serious times, please!

Hereupon, the Placidus house system will be used unless otherwise noted. If a birth or event time is unknown, a chart will be set up for Sunrise, or sometimes for Noon, which will be noted, if so, with the occasional conjunction as timer, if applicable.

birth details: President George W. Bush, July 6, 1946 7:26 am EDT New Haven, CT USA;

from the AstroDataBank site.

Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey, all books available at

-Jude Cowell, reluctant astrologer (that's Coh' wull, not 'cow' as in moo-cow or Simon)

SO'W born: Oct 16, 2005 3:30 am edt USA


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